Give to the arts, because the arts give back.
Help bring music, dance, theater, and visual arts to people of all ages and abilitites!

Tell us how to spend your money!
Artists in the Schools: Workshops, asssemblies, and professional development for classroom teachers. Our professional artists lead teaching residences in schools because every child deserves to express themselves and learn new skills. Even in 2024, there are elementary schools without arts programs.
Teen Arts Safe Havens: Afterschool and summer programs help teens cope with violence, substance abuse, and social justice, while maximizing their learning potential. Intervention arts activities are conducted by teaching artists skilled at working with teens.
Creative Spirits for Seniors: Our small-sized workshops at community centers and assisted living residencies give seniors the opportunity to socialize and receive individual attention. They also strengthen cognitive and physical abilities.
Family Engagement: Generations gather to create an art piece or learn an instrument in one-day workshops-creating lasting memories and strengthening bonds. We also bring live performances to communities where parents have never seen a show or visited a museum.
Hospital Programs: We serve children and adults who are hospitalized for medical, rehabilitation, or behavioral health reasons. Our arts experiences are therapeutic and also support education continuity for students.
Children & Adults with Special Needs: We deliver an interactive, multisensory, and flexible approach to learning. This helps bolster academic achievement, enhance problem-solving, and promote mental health.
General Operating Expenses: These are expenses that most grants do not fund, such as utilities, rent, and staff salaries!
After you click “Donate” you will choose one of the programs!
For 45 years, Arts Horizons’ award-winning programs have played a major role in helping the vulnerable. Last year we served 35,000 people in New York & New Jersey. Help us continue to deliver performing and visual arts programs in 2025!